A Proposed Constitution for the Catholic ChurchINDEX Introduction
1. Nature and Purpose of the Church Membership of the Catholic Church 2. Rights of Catholics 3. Church Government 1. General Principles 1. The Legitimate Exercise of Authority is Mediated by Consent of the Church2. Consent, Reception, and Custom concerning Laws and Doctrines3. SubsidiarityAutonomy and Interdependence of the Churches Mutual Respect Between Churches 4. Separation of Powers5. Selection of Church Ministers2. Power of Governance 1. Legislative Power 2. Representative Legislative Assemblies (Councils, Synods) Scope and Remit of Representative AssembliesParish Diocese National Church Multinational Church Universal Church 3. Executive Power The Office of the Pope and the Curia of the Catholic Communion4. Power of Teaching Remit, scope, and responsibilities of independent expert advisors and advisory bodies Responsibilities of church representatives and church leaders when using expert advice 5. Power of Order 6. Judicial System 7. Financial Administration8. Final Provisions
A Proposed Constitution for the Catholic Church (full text): https://hanglberger-manfred.de/constitution_catholic_church__wicr_draft__09_2022.htm
Background, sources, contributing authors, co-signers: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eyG-XTjaqLBG4ovrTRO1dD2yZfFzenFs/view target="_blank"
LINK to share: https://hanglberger-manfred.de/en-constitution-for-the-catholic-church-index.htm