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Rules for fair criticism


"To criticize" means (original meaning of the word): to distinguish, to look closely


To criticize does not mean: to evaluate

                   does not mean: to devalue

                   does not mean: to insult, to mock, to ridicule

                   does not mean: to place oneself above another


The rules of criticism:
(Possibly ask the question beforehand: "May I tell you something?")


1. Tell an example (when and where?)

2. Describe the behavior and statements of the other person

3. Describe the effect on me (only direct statements of feelings!)

4. I ask him for his description

     (How he experienced it; I accept it if he refrains from doing so).


Criticism works only with descriptions!
(of the "outside world" of the other and one's own "inside world")

Criticism refrains from evaluations.

Criticism thus avoids the increase of aggression.


The meaning of criticism:


=> Since we are often blind to the effects of our behavior on others, criticism helps to hold up a mirror to each other: "This is how you affect others."

=> Criticism shows that I take the other person seriously (I am not indifferent to him):
I observe and say what I see, without judging

=> Criticism shows that I take myself seriously: My feelings tell me to react or protect myself. (I don't swallow my anger, I use its energy positively).

=> Through criticism one can also show interest in wanting to understand the other person, to improve or clarify my relationship with him.

=> If the basis of love is to take the other seriously, then fair criticism is a basic form of love.

=> Criticism is an important safeguard against people who pay too little attention to whether they hurt or burden others.

=> Criticism helps to maintain respect for each other.
Without the protection of criticism, we lose respect for each other.

=> Positive criticism (= compliments) also has a stronger effect if it is presented with descriptions instead of evaluations.

=> Fair criticism takes away fear and gives strength.


The answer of the criticized:


1. I will think carefully about your words.

2. They help me to recognize in a better way how I affect others.

3. You must not expect that I necessarily want or can to become as you want me to be. (Criticism does not rob the mental and emotional independence!)


To ask for criticism:


=> "Do you like to tell me how you are doing with me at the moment?"

=> "I don't know if you like what I am doing at the moment".

=> "I would like to hear an echo from you, on what I have said".


Prayer for fair and helpful criticism


God, loving Father of all men,

we know that each of us has abilities that are pleasant and valuable,

but also peculiarities that can be burdensome and annoying.

You want us to form a good community despite our differences.


To do this, we must treat each other honestly and respectfully.

We can also say at the right time what hurts or annoys us or what we just don't like.

Help us to practice criticism in such a way that it is helpful and serves others for self-knowledge.

But keep us from using insulting words.


Let us be strong inwardly, so that we ourselves do not react insulted, discouraged or aggressive to the criticism of others.


But also keep us from  thinking that we are infallible and errors can only be seen in the others.

Help us that each of us is a good comrade: fair, honest and helpful.



Manfred Hanglberger (

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