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A contemporary understanding of faith

With a farewell to fear-mongering belief patterns


Natural experiences of fear on the path of self-development can become overpowering due to incapacitating and intimidating beliefs and block mental maturation processes. A solution to such blockages requires the abandonment of outdated belief patterns. However, good farewells are only successful if they do not leave behind an ideological vacuum or a religious “pile of rubble”, but rather if mentally sustainable and contemporary alternatives can be developed to replace the old ideas.

Incidentally, such processes of farewell are necessary for many psychological and social maturing processes. It is important not to simply cut away, devalue or suppress the old, but to recognize the positive effects in the past, to preserve what is still valid and to reformulate it for the present.


The following comparison of “traditional” and “contemporary” understandings of faith is intended to help in the process of religious discernment. The author is aware of the very bold and simplistic way in which the patterns of belief listed here are presented. However, in therapeutic processes, such a stark juxtaposition is often necessary in order to initiate a process of leaving. And on the other hand, we also find similarly striking antithetical depictions in some of Jesus' parables as reported in the Gospels. There, too, it is a matter of saying goodbye to outdated beliefs and moral concepts.


The traditional Christian understanding of faith

(as it has largely prevailed in the consciousness of the believers of the Catholic Church up to our time)

A contemporary Christian understanding of faith

(which takes into account the findings of the natural sciences, psychology and social sciences of the 21st century)


The old image of nature and the world on the one hand and social experiences of authority and rule on the other hand shaped the ideas of God and his work in the world:


World view:


People believed that the world was created by God around 6,000 to 8,000 years ago in the form in which it is now found.

= static world view


► Problem: Why are there natural disasters, illnesses, suffering and pain and death if the creator and ruler of the world is a wise and loving God?

► The old answer:
This must all be punishment - but for what offense?

► The old answer:
The worst and most fundamental offense of subjects was always disobedience, rebelliousness, insubordination, making pacts with the enemies of the ruler.

► So, with so much actual "punishment" experienced, people must have seriously offended and angered God, the ruler and director of the world, with such sins from the very beginning.









Concept of God:

► God is an almighty controller and manager of all natural forces and events, nothing in nature happens without his will.

► God is a ruler who, like worldly rulers,
wants signs of subservience, loyalty and obedience from people,

► who demands sacrifices and offerings from people, who wants to be revered, praised and adored,

► who wants people to serve him, to surrender themselves to him unconditionally and to obey him unreserved,

► who jealously tests the loyalty of his subjects,

► who severely punishes people's disloyalty and can, under certain circumstances, be angry and offended for a long time.



The idea of man

► Man is the subject and servant of God, obliged to obedience, loyalty and willingness to serve.

The temptation of subjects:

► Wanting to be rulers too, at least to be able to rule over other people or creatures and thus become more like God or to be like God yourself, because obviously rule is what is truly divine and ultimately meaningful.

► Rejecting the role of subject means carrying a hidden rebelliousness within oneself.

► So there is a fundamental envy of people towards God and people suspect the "envy of the gods" towards successful and happy people.

► But those who humbly, obediently and submissively accept their role as subjects will later be generously rewarded by this ruler god.

► When God blocks man's path to power, man may try to ally himself with powers that are hostile to God in order to reach his goal.

► It was believed that man was in danger of falling for promises made by God's adversary.

► It was precisely this behavior that is believed to be man's terrible original sin, which was seen as the cause of the man's various punishments by God, which many believed to be evident in all the suffering in the world.



The main problem of man

     He is a sinner! His worst sin:

► He is disobedient and rebellious towards God, he wants to be like God and not serve but rule.

► He makes a pact with the adversary of God, Satan; in doing so, he has greatly offended God, his Creator and Lord.





World view

(Scientific data and religious interpretations)

- The cosmic world was created 13.8 billion years ago in the mystery of the Big Bang,

- the earth around 4.6 billion years ago

- life around 3.7 billion years ago

- humans emerged from the animal world around 2 - 3 million years ago

= dynamic, evolutionary world view


►Natural disasters are the effects of sometimes enormous natural forces that are not consciously controlled by anyone and therefore have no intentions and no “meaning” (no punishment or testing by God).

► Humans who are exposed to such natural disasters have senses and reason to learn how to protect themselves from adverse natural forces.

► For humans, nature is a “mother”, a giver of life, a nurturer - but also a threatening, deadly life-devourer.

► In nature and its long developmental path, there is a (divine) “inner tendency” towards life, consciousness (humanity), comprehensive love and a willingness to take responsibility.

► Of course, humans can also harm themselves and others through irresponsibility and ignorance - but this is not to be understood as a punishment from God.
“God never punishes” (quote from a lecture by A. Keller on Vatican Radio)


Concept of God

► God does not (almightily) control the world externally, but acts as a soul in all things, as a non-violent, inner tendency towards the positive.

► He is powerless in many situations, but in the long term his spirit of comprehensive affirmation of life and love will prevail in the hearts of people and in the world.

► Jesus proclaims God as a loving, motherly father who wants his children to enjoy life and learn to treat each other and creation well.

► God is the source of affirmation of life and all positive forces that people should discover and absorb.





The idea of man

      Man sees himself as an absolutely loved child of God. God grants him life and the world from the bottom of his heart.

► God wants man to use his senses, his mind and his conscience to understand life and nature better and better and to learn to live lovingly, responsibly and self-confidently.

► God wants man to find a healthy self-confidence, to learn to recognize himself and his talents, to act responsibly and independently and to develop compassion and care for his fellow human beings and all of creation.













The main problem of man


     He is an incomprehensible being to himself,

► he often does not understand himself,

► he is afraid of being ephemeral, unimportant, unappreciated and not respected, unlovable;

►he is often insecure, weak, ignorant and hurtful.

► As a result of being born and growing up, man does not automatically recognize the value and meaning of his existence, but must first discover it through arduous inner struggle and searching (“inner listening”).

► This search is often accompanied by fear and misconduct. For the individual and for human cultures, becoming aware of this is often a lengthy process of mental maturation and development (awakening process, process of becoming conscious, mental and spiritual “healing of the blind”).

► The main cause of his sinfulness is not disobedience, but his fear of being worthless and his spiritual blindness and insecurity.

► In addition, people often feel helpless and powerless in the face of adverse natural forces, illnesses and inner emotional states and at the mercy of the aggression of fellow human beings and unjust social conditions. This also robs a lot of the power of love and affirmation of life, tempts them to adapt to the usual selfish and unloving patterns of behavior and seduces them into their own unjust and hurtful behavior.


The reaction of God

► He expels people from his kingdom of God, paradise, closes off his divine world for thousands of years and is no longer accessible to humans.

► As punishment, people have to earn their living with hard, laborious work (thistles and thorns).

► The woman will give birth to children in labor and will be threatened by snakes while working in the fields.

► Physical death is also basically a punishment from God for the original human sin.

► Human sin was more powerful than God's love, it was able to drive God's love out of the world and open the door to the world for Satan, so that he has ruled the world ever since.

► Only where the Church has been at work with its sacraments since Jesus' death on the cross are there again areas of salvation of divine activity in the world.



The world as God's field of punishment and testing

Furthermore, natural disasters and all suffering in the world are either God's punitive actions for the initial and also for the ever-repeating disobedience of people (Story of the Flood, Tower of Babel, Egyptian plagues, etc.) or they are tests of people's faith, obedience and submissiveness.








Old understanding of redemption

After thousands of years, God sends his Son, who is obedient to God in an exemplary manner on behalf of mankind, submits to his will without reservation and offers himself as an atoning sacrifice to the Father in a cruel sacrifice on the cross in order to propitiate his wrath towards mankind.










The task of man

► Man should humbly and obediently believe and follow everything that the church leadership commands to believe and do on God's behalf.

► He should earn his way to heaven through good works.

► He should make God gracious through his willingness to make sacrifices and by keeping the commandments.

► He should reconcile himself with God through works of penance.









>> Man is a test subject

>> The world is a testing ground

>> God is a tester of man

>> Man's life is a probationary period to earn God's heaven



The reaction of God

► Through Jesus Christ, God “reveals” to people their absolute (divine) value, their unique dignity, their fundamental “worthiness of love” (despite their sinfulness and their mental and spiritual blindness)
and gives them the ability to take each other seriously, to accept each other, to show each other compassion and helpfulness.

► In Jesus, he shows himself to be compassionate and in solidarity with people, he surrenders himself to the dynamics of his creation and stands on the side of man towards his creation.










The world as God's self-communication

► The world is entrusted to man as a space for life and development. He should know that he is one with the world and, in loving and responsible shaping of the world, grow into the life context of the whole of creation, in which God is hiddenly present and communicates himself to man.

► In Jesus Christ, God's turning towards and becoming one with the world is revealed; this turning towards creation is to be imitated by man in the way he shapes his life.

► The goal of cosmic world history is the completion of creation, not the escape from the world into “heaven”.

► The “beyond” is the spiritual depth dimension of creation.



Understanding of redemption

    Through the love of God, which was experienced by man through Jesus (and can still be experienced today), man is redeemed from the fear of being worthless and from the helplessness to understand himself and the value of his existence.

► However, this being loved must be consciously accepted (believed) and one's own calling, one's own meaning in life, the value of one's own existence must be found in an often long path of self-knowledge.  

► In Jesus' death on the cross, it becomes clear that man is held by God in suffering and death and is preserved in God beyond death.

► The cross reveals that the love with which God fills people when they entrust themselves to him is more powerful than the hatred, injustice, sin, contempt and fear-mongering of people.



The task of man

► Striving for self-knowledge.

► Striving to understand the world.

► To accept and affirm life from its origin, from God.

►Discovering the source of life-affirming forces (God) and becoming open to allow these forces to take effect within oneself.

►To treat creation lovingly and responsibly.

► Advocating a just, peaceful, tolerant, creative coexistence of people.

► Uncovering and eliminating injustice, degradation, devaluation and oppression.

► To show the ways of true humanity: Personality, subsidiarity, solidarity, non-violence




>> Man is a “Child of God” and his “image”.

>> He is called to be the “heir of God” and the “heir of the universe”.

>> He is to mature spiritually and become an adult - also before God.

>>Soul maturation awakens the awareness of one's own dignity (an absolute, “divine” value), one's own freedom, one's own uniqueness and personal responsibility.

>> Soul maturation awakens a deep feeling of connection with other people and a comprehensive feeling of belonging to the whole of life and to the community of creation.

>> Maturation of the soul awakens a universal compassion and a universal willingness to take responsibility.



Manfred Hanglberger


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