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Pope John Paul II has clearly formulated the need
for a reform of the faith and as well the "signposts" for it!

In important areas we have been waiting in vain for its realization for decades:


Pope John Paul II spoke in his official pronouncements of an "updated doctrinal `corpus´" to be developed by the Church, and that the theologians of the Church have to "formulate their doctrine differently" because of scientific findings.

Unfortunately, a corresponding reform of faith on the topics of "Psychology and Faith" and "Scientific Worldview and Christian Faith" has not taken place.

Nevertheless, the "signposts" of Pope John Paul II in this regard have a lasting validity:


"It is a duty of theologians to keep themselves regularly informed of scientific results, in order to consider, perhaps, whether they need to take them into account in their reflection or to formulate their doctrine differently.”

"Indeed, the Bible is not concerned with the details of the physical world, the knowledge of which is entrusted to man's experience and reflection. So there are two areas of knowledge. One has its source in revelation, but the other can be discovered by reason with its own powers."

(From the address given by Pope John Paul II to the participants
in the General Assembly of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences in 1992)


“… has become an updated doctrinal "corpus."
It builds up gradually, as the Church, in the fullness of the word revealed by Christ Jesus
and with the assistance of the Holy Spirit (cf. Jn 14:16, 26; 16:13-15),
reads events as they unfold in the course of history.
She thus seeks to lead people to respond,
with the support also of rational reflection and of the human sciences,
to their vocation as responsible builders of earthly society.”


(From the introduction of the 1987 encyclical SOLLICITUDO REI SOCIALIS by Pope John Paul II.)


Compilation by Manfred Hanglberger (


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10 notwendige Schritte für eine Glaubens- und Kirchenreform

Psychology and the Christian Faith (In German language)