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Marriage morality
by "chopping off hands"? (Mt 5:29-30) "If your
right eye tempts you to evil, pluck it
out ... !" Drastic demands of Jesus are not always to be understood literally, but aim at
the urgency of a value-oriented
commitment. With today's knowledge
of the human psyche, however,
it cannot be about suppressing every burgeoning erotic feeling at the sight of an attractive woman, since suppressed feelings - as we know today
- can develop a dangerous
dynamic of their own within the psyche. It is
useful to perceive and accept a feeling that arises and, if necessary, to take it seriously as a message for one's own self-knowledge; but this in no way means giving this feeling wide space in thoughts and fantasies, or using
them as an impulse for actions that can be
problematic and destructive. In this way, these demands from Jesus' Sermon
on the Mount can be an impetus in our time, both scientifically and in personal self-reflection,
to consider the meaning
of feelings and how we
deal with them in a very differentiated way, in order to deal with them responsibly. What is said in this section of the text about erotic feelings applies in a similar way in Mt 5:22 about the feeling of anger, in which
a very careful distinction should also be made between "holy anger" and destructive
anger! It is precisely in these drastic statements of the
gospel that it becomes clear that such moral demands are strong impulses
to take life very seriously
and to consider what a loving and responsible way of
life should look like, but
whoever simply tries to realize it literally without further reflection, his actions become destructive. Those church
leaders who still wa nt to punish
a transgression of Jesus' prohibition
of divorce in any case
with exclusion from the reception of the sacraments, i.e. who understand it literally, should be asked how they
intend to enforce, within the Church, the demands of Jesus in Mt 5,29-30, where the cutting off of hands and the plucking out of eyes is demanded in order to avoid certain sins. Manfred Hanglberger ( Translation: Ingeborg Schmutte
>>> A Contemporary Understanding of the Bible |
>>> Spirituality |
>>> Understanding-of the feelings |
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