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To Know and to Believe


Again and again I read from people of our time that the existence of God has not been proven and therefore belief in him is nonsense - or that the findings of the natural sciences have long since scientifically confuted the idea of a God.

In the meantime, it is completely clear from the point of view of scientific theory that neither the existence of God nor his non-existence can be proven.


The problem can even be explained in a very simple way

We humans experience a mental and spiritual inner world through our thoughts and feelings.
Since I do not know and can never be sure how certain other people see me and what they think about me, I can only interact meaningfully with the people I live with through an advance of trust.
In relationships of friendship and trust, it becomes clear that there is basically no knowledge here.

Similar to the relationship between people, so is our relationship to the whole of the reality in which we live.
Is this world, despite suffering, transience and death, fundamentally meaningful? And is it meaningful to have trust towards the overall reality?


No human can prove or disprove that such reliance on the entire reality is meaningful or doesn’t have any sense. But such trust awakens a sense of responsibility for one's own life, for human coexistence, for living together in the great community of nature and for preserving the foundations of life for the future.


Such trust in the entirel reality is what we call "faith".


Believing people in the religious sense see God as a guarantee of the meaningfulness of the world. Neither the meaningfulness of the world nor the existence of God can be proved or disproved. Therefore, no science or knowledge can replace faith, but neither can faith replace or negate the progress of knowledge.

Both are two different but humanly meaningful approaches to reality.


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Translation: Ingeborg Schmutte