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About "human" and "divine" love


Love means to respect the other.

Love without respect is a possessive love, which takes over the other, robs him of his freedom and dignity.

Respecting the other means taking the other seriously.

Love that does not take the other seriously,

is a love that wants to keep the other in a one-sided dependence.

Taking the other seriously means listening to him.

Love that does not listen is a love that unconsciously despises the other.

Listening to the other means listening to his opinion and experiences and trying to understand him.

A love that does not seek to understand is a love that places itself above the other.

To seek to understand the other means to let him have his say in things that affect both sides.

A love that does not let others have their say is a love that seeks to keep the other in immaturity.

To let the other have his say means to let the other have his say.

A love that does not let the other have a say in things that also concern him or all, means not to accept him as a "child of God”.

Therefore divine love means letting the other co-decide.



Manfred Hanglberger (


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