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Manfred |
Welcome to my homepage! |
What do I want with my websites? Final Document: For a Synodal Church >>> International Days of UN
>>> Necessary steps for church reform >>> Putin´s war against Ukraine: >>> Lex-Ecclesiae-Fundamentalis: A Proposed
Constitution for the Catholic Church >>> |
"Synodal Way" in Germany >>> Synodality in the Church >>> Secularization: Solutions: >>> |
about der Space and the modern view of the
World >>>
Secularization in Christian understanding >>>
Prayer for the Families >>> of
their children >>> Prayers for the wedding ceremony >>> Prayer for my deceased mother >>> Prayer for my deceased father >>> Blessing the own home or apartment >>> Prayers for
leaders and managers in the business world >>> Prayer for the bullfighters >>> Prayers for a pet burial >>> Why
a religious ritual for a pet burial? >>> Orations from
theology and spirituality of the environmental encyclical "Laudato si”
>>> Prayer for mobile phone screen: AA BB AA: http://hanglberger-manfred.de/Gebet-Milchstrasse-EN-2.jpg BB: http://hanglberger-manfred.de/Gebet-Milchstrasse-EN.jpg
Fiducia Supplicans >>> Voices of faith - Women as Change Agents >>
Prayer on Thursday >>> "Salve Regina": an unchristian prayer? >>>
Renewal oft
the Eucharist >>> Renewal of faith and church >>> The crucifixion of Jesus in its redemptive effect >>> Why was Jesus crucified? >>> Why I believe in the resurrection of Jesus? >>> About "human" and "divine" love >>> Secularization in Christian understanding >>> Dictionary of
Encounter : Islam and Christianity: human fraternity >>> Text sections of “human fraternity” >>> Do Christians all believe in the same God? >>> The Mercy and Justice of God >>> The belief in the "Triune God” >>> Carnival sermon of the
"devil" >>> Marriage - a sacrament? >>> To know and to believe >>> „Devil“ does not exist? >>> Non-Christian Terms in Church
Teaching Documents: "Selfishness” and "selfish" >>> Compensation of
Feelings of Inferiority >>> Obedience in the church >>> Spirituality Spirituality – what is that? >>> Spirituality and the Dimensions of Love >>> „Being Entire“ („Holistic” = “Catholic“) >>> God and Nature in our Prayers
>>> |
TUTTI >>> Prayers
at the end of Fratelli tutti >>> LAUDATO SI: >>> - A prayer for
our earth (Pope Francis) >>> - A Christian
prayer in union with creation >>> - Eternal Life
for the animals? (Laudato si) >>> - The meaning of
Sacraments >>> - Orations from
theology and spirituality of the Statement
on the letter of the four Cardinals to the Pope >>> AMORIS LAETITIA - The dignity and the rights of
women" >>> - Psychological causes of
partnership crises >>> - Self-criticism of the church
leadership >>> - If parents expect the birth
of a child >>> - “A society without fathers”? (The rule of father) >>> - Sexuality – Erotic – Lust –
Pleasure >>> - Violence and oppression
within marriage >>> - Worthy and unworthy reception
of Holy Communion >>> - Pastoral Mercy >>>
analysis and help >>> Texts about
Parents and Children >>> Texts about
Marriage and Partnership >>> Important
therapeutic exercises >>> Debate
about abortion: >>> Compensation
of Feelings of Inferiority
>>> Favorite
Child (What is to do?) >>> International Day of Families of
the UNO >>> Genesis 3: A Bad Impact Story >>> Noah's Ark: A Critical Interpretation >>> The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11,1-9) >>> Cain and Abel (Gen 4,1-15) >>> Critical interpretation of Gen 22 >>> Problematic
text in the Bible: Genesis 22 >>> In
the Bible there is a development of faith >>> Love of enemies - What is that? >>> Chastisement of children? >>> „FOLLOW ME!“ –
The message of Jesus >>> |
Important Documents of Faith
All documents of the second vatican council >>> Gaudium et Spes (On the church in the modern world)
>>> Important
citations from “Gaudium et Spes” >>> Dignitatis humanae (Declaration
on religious freedom) >>> Populorum Progressio
(1967): Redemptor hominis (The Redeemer of Man) 1979
>>> Laborem Exercens
(On Human Work) 1981 >>> Sollicitudo rei socialis: Lumen Fidei (On Faith) 2013 >>> Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel) 2013 >>> |
AMAZONÍA (Post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation) Final Document
of the Amazon Synod CHRISTUS VIVIT: Synod of Bishops on Young People |