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When children suffer because their parents have separated


When parents separate or divorce, children are often very depressed, sometimes confused and burdened by conflicting feelings.

Some children feel that they have to support the parent they live with and are then in danger of sacrificing their childhood, with damaging effects on their own later partnership.

Some children feel that they have to take sides in the conflict between their parents and end up in a problematic fight against one parent.

Some children are internally torn between affection and dislike towards a parent who behaves problematically during the separation phase (or even later).

Some children also get into violent conflicts with their siblings because of their parents’ conflicts.

The prayer below can protect children from such problematic behavior patterns and from emotional confusion.




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Prayer of children whose parents have separated


Dear God,

my dad and my mom have separated

(my dad has separated from my mom or:

my mom has separated from my dad)

This is very sad for us children.


But we children are related to mom and dad by blood,

we got our lives from both of them

and both live on in each of us children.

That's why dad is our real dad forever

and mom is forever our real mom.


Dear God, help me,

that I let mom and dad live in me in the right way,

that I keep in me the valuable and good things from both of them

and that I am willing to learn from their mistakes for my life.


Dear God,

look after my mom and my dad,

help them to be well,

that they treat each other well and fairly,
even if they no longer love each other enough to want to live together.


Help them,

that they can be there for us children in the right way,

that they can always give us

what we need to grow up and

that we become loving, honest and self-confident people.


Help us so that we can always respect mom and dad

as the two people

who have given us life on your behalf.


Keep us from

interfering in the quarrels of mom and dad,

but help them both to always find grown-up people

who will help them when they are not feeling well,

when they experience great worries or disappointments or quarrels.


Dear God,

look with love on mom and dad

and on each of us children

and accompany the path of each one of us

with your blessing.


Manfred Hanglberger (


It would be useful to hang this prayer in a nice format with the separate photos of father and mother in the children's rooms and invite the children to pray this prayer regularly for some time.

If you have the opportunity, you could create a small family tree with the photos of the family members and add it to the prayer or hang it up next to the prayer.

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