Important Therapeutic Exercises, Analyses and Healing Rites

By Manfred Hanglberger (www.hanglberger-manfred.de)



Link to share: https://hanglberger-manfred.de/en-therapeutic-exercises.htm


"Accept the life from parents
and renounce what is missing"

 To accept one's life and all that one received from one's parents and to renounce what one longed for and missed;
To find peace with oneself and with parents.

"Accept life from the parents
and protect themselves from injury

 Build up psychological protection afterwards if you were seriously injured in childhood and were not able to protect yourself at the time.

"Accept life from parents and
say goodbye to inappropriate “helperroles"

 Recognize and eliminate inappropriate “helperroles that you fell into as a child.
Also protect oneself from unreasonable expectations of parents.


Protect yourself from hurtful projections

When parents or other people express their repressions in the form of projections and you become their victim, i.e. unconsciously misused as a projection surface.

Recognize and reduce temporal splitting of projections 

Conflicts arise, especially in couple relationships, when the negative ones appear after the positive projections.

The splitting of opposing projections of parents onto two children 

If there are "favorite children" and "problem children" in a family, this is an indication of this splitting of projections among the parents.

Reduce systemic stress

When one has inherited burdensome feelings from ancestors.
When one was hurt by parents in childhood, but now realizes that they themselves were burdened.

"Existential Meditation"

In order to consciously accept one's own life from father and mother and to respect them as mediators of God and Mother Nature.

In order to find a healthy self-esteem, the ability to relate in a partnership and inner peace.


"Dialogue with the inner child"

In order not to project painful and disappointing childhood experiences onto the partner or other people and thus, reduce inappropriate emotional outbursts and unfair behaviors.


To make up for the grief of a parent lost in childhood.



"Become indipendent from the parents"

(Farewell letter for parents)

To make up for grief and farewell to a parent lost in childhood.

To get rid of feelings that you inherited (usually unconsciously) from a parent.

In order to break down unconscious savior roles that one had fallen into as a child.

To respect the parents in their being different and to discover and develop one's own originality without having to justify oneself towards the parents.

To stop trying to change parents or try to convince them of their own opinion.

In order to stop presenting injuries and disappointments from childhood to the parents in a permanent conflict, in order to finally find oneself.



"Let go grown-up children"


So that parents can better find themselves and their partner again after the work of raising children.

For some, finding their purpose in life independently of their relationship with their children and grandchildren is a difficult but necessary task.



How a single mother lets her grown-up son take responsibility for himself 


Blessing word from a single mother for a son.


How a single mother lets her grown-up daughter take responsibility for herself 


Blessing word from a single mother for a daughter.


Introduce your inner child to a newborn child


To protect a newborn child from the unconscious projections of the parents.


"The Lake of Tears" (healing story)

To reduce a grandmother's outsized influence on a grandchild. See also the suggestions in:


Funeral prayer for the death of the mother

Funeral prayer for the death of the father


To find an honest and healthy way to say goodbye and grieve the death of a parent.


Prayer for children of separated parents

To not let the conflict of the parents become a conflict between the children.

To keep the children out of the parents' conflict and to protect them from being abused as a solidary partner of one parent against the other parent.

Rules for fair criticism



Rules for fair arguing


Translation: Ingeborg Schmutte



Link to share: https://hanglberger-manfred.de/en-therapeutic-exercises.htm