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The Flood Narrative in the Bible

Noah's Ark: A Critical Interpretation (Genesis 6-9)

Outdated and enduring ideas


It is not true that there was once a flood that was higher than all the mountains in the world.

However, it is a thousand-year-old memory of a huge flood in which many people and animals died.

>> Maybe a big meteorite impact in the sea??

>> Perhaps the formation of the Black Sea, which rose about 20 meters thousands of years ago and destroyed many human settlements?

>> Perhaps a huge volcanic eruption in the Mediterranean, which probably destroyed many people and their cultures in the surrounding countries and on some islands 3600 years ago.


It is not true that a natural disaster (such as a massive flood) is a "punishment from God".

But at that time, people believed that everything that was bad and painful in the world was "sent" by God to punish, chastise or educate people.



It is not true that God "repented" of having created human beings.

But at that time, many people believed that God could become so angry at people's disobedience that He was willing to destroy them because they could not explain a terrible natural disaster in any other way.


It is not true that it would be possible to accommodate a pair of all the animals on earth in a giant ship.

But the "Ark" is a symbol of a community of people that sticks together in difficult and "stormy times" and keeps faith in the good and in a better future.

It is also a symbol of hope that people treat the animals with care, take responsibility for their continued existence and see themselves as a big community with them.


It is not true that the rainbow was only created by God after a great flood.

But the rainbow is a sign for the believing Israelites and for the Christians,

=> that God (in spite of many wickedness of men) remains connected with all his creation, and

=> that human beings, together with all other creatures, should form a good community.


Manfred Hanglberger ( )


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