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Meditation on one's Existence

Meditative exercise for mental health and balance
By Manfred Hanglberger (

We exhale deeply
and wait until our chest expands again on its own to fill with air.

When the air enters our lungs, we allow it plenty of room inside of us.
We become internally wide and receptive to the energy from the air.

When we breathe out again,
we let our body with its muscles become completely loose and relaxed.
We'll be all loose and relaxed
by letting our arms and legs become very heavy.
As the air flows out, we let go off everything that weighs on us internally.
We live with our inner SELF entirely in our body.
We sense if it feels good to live in our body.

And then we think of people who are important to us: …
Through our thoughts and feelings
they also live a little with us in a certain way.

Our parents have a very important place inside of  us.
Father and mother live within us, even when we don't think of them.
For it is through them that our life has been given to us.
From the life of father and mother our life has arisen.
In my body, my father and my mother continue to live a little further in a certain way.
In some people, father and mother live very differently in them.

For example, when a parent was in command
and the other always gave in.
Or if you were more attracted to one parent than to the other.
Or if in some families
one parent had little or no contact with the children.

But still, the life of each of us comes
from his father and his mother (from his mother and his father)
and therefore both dwell within us:
In our body and in our soul.
It is important that we give a proper place within ourselves to both of them,
no mansion, but also no storeroom.

I say internally:
Dad, you are my father, through you God and Mother Nature gave life to me,
I respect you as my father and accept my life from you.
And I agree that you also continue to live in some way inside of me.
And you mom, you are my mother,
through you God and Mother Nature gave life to me,too.
I respect you as my mother and accept my life from you.
And I agree that also you continue to live in some way inside of me.

My parents are not the real origin of my life.
They, too, received their life from their parents and passed it on to me.
I respect them as mediators of my life - in the life stream of generations.

Thus, I'm not just a child of my parents,
but a child of Mother Nature, who generates all life,
and I am a child of God who looks upon me lovingly,
who knows me to the innermost part of my being
who says YES to my life and my existence.
In His eyes I am and will remain unique, important and valuable.
When I let myself be looked at by Him,
by Him who loves all his creatures,
then I feel a deep sense of belonging to the great community of all living things,
and a sense of belonging to this planet Earth,
and to the entire universe from which this earth emerged.
Because through God all living beings and things are internally connected with each other.


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Translation: Ingeborg Schmutte

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