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What is often overlooked in the problem of sexual abuse?


In the case of sexual abuse and other criminal behavior, it would be important for the church to investigate the psychological causes of such behavior in order to be able to take healing precautions.


A therapist who works with perpetrators and victims:


"It has been scientifically proven that one only becomes a perpetrator if one has previously been a victim, personally - or as a member of a cross-generational chain of victims and perpetrators."


The trauma expert and system psychologist Professor Dr. Franz Ruppert criticizes the common pathological diagnoses such as "mentally ill", "psychotic" or "psychopath" as meaningless.


For him, these are nothing more than empty descriptions of symptoms and labels that do not address the fact that perpetrators may be traumatized or even ask the question of the causes.


"If obvious trauma perpetrators are given pathologizing diagnoses, they appear as incomprehensible "monsters" who can then be viewed with disgust and horror. The perpetrator-victim dynamic that is expressed in the behavior of trauma perpetrators and their own victimhood are not recognized in this way. The behavior of trauma perpetrators appears like an incomprehensible mystery, instead of understanding that their enormous destructiveness is the result of the psychological pain that was originally inflicted on them and that they cannot allow to surface within themselves." (Professor Dr. Franz Ruppert)


The Sermon on the Mount says (Mt 7:1):

“Stop judging”


A Council document states:

“God forbids us to make judgments about the internal guilt of anyone.” (GS 28)


Unfortunately, there is still no doctrine of faith in the Church about the destructive and transgressive behavior of people!



Since sexual abuse in the Catholic Church (as well as in the Protestant Church!) is caused among other things by authoritarian structures, these must be investigated and changed in the spirit of Jesus - the same is necessary for the abuse of power: >>>


Since these cannot be changed everywhere, as the structures of some sports associations show, additional precautions must be taken, such as those already ordered and applied by some dioceses.


However, these alone are not enough! It is essential to investigate the psychological causes of sexual abuse and to take precautions!


Manfred Hanglberger

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