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There is a development
of faith and morals in the Bible: From the Commandment of Child Sacrifice to the Prohibition of Child Sacrifice How
the story "God tests Abraham", Gen 22, is to be understood |
In ancient religions, people believed that they had to sacrifice their
most precious possessions (their own children) to the gods in order to
receive their blessing, so that their own lives would be preserved
and they would be happy. |
Ex 13,2: |
They also believed that every people and country had
its own gods, and the more sacrifices a people made to their god, the more he
would engage in a war for his people. Those who sacrifice more have a better
chance of victory, success, prosperity and salvation in times of need. Those
who are not willing to sacrifice their child seemed to have too little faith,
seemed to want to withhold something from God. |
2 Kön 3: |
The priests in Israel felt in their faith that God
does not want children to be sacrificed. |
Gen 22: |
The permission to sacrifice an animal instead of a child later becomes
a prohibition to sacrifice a child. It is then seen as a crime and a sign of
apostasy from faith in the true God. |
106, 36-39: |
The story of the "test of Abraham" has certainly saved the
lives of thousands of children. This narrativ is
therefore a valuable "story of redemption" that freed people from a
psychological compulsion, as they believed they had to sacrifice children
based on an old tradition. Those who didn't felt
guilty. This story frees people from such feelings of guilt. |
But this "story of redemption" is like a strong spiritual
"medicine" that also has strong "side effects": 1. People still believed that they had to sacrifice
something valuable from nature to God: if not a child, then an animal: kill a
living being for God! 2) God is presented as a human-tester and man
appears as a test subject. Later, many Christians believe that the whole of
life is a time of testing. >>> This prevents people from perceiving their spiritual laws
of maturation and healing, from recognizing their own originality and calling
and from leading a truly meaningful life. |
Gen 22: Lk 2,22f |
For thousands of years, people believed that
children were the property of their parents. And what you possess, you can
also give away, use at will or even sacrifice to God. These sociological ideas about the family were later
transferred to God and Jesus: |
3,16: For God so loved the world that he gave his only
Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have
eternal life. Abraham-Isaak-Geschichte |
In the Bible there is a development
of faith (Sacrifice of children?) >>> How the narrativ of Gen 22 might have come
about (A story) >>> Further texts in English >>> Bible-Index (German language) >>> A Contemporary Understanding of the Bible >>> |