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Reflections on Man-Woman Relationship


For more than 100 years we have been experiencing a revolution in the man-woman relationship, which is particularly evident in marriages and in marriage-like relationships.

For many 1000 years, the man-woman relationship was clearly regulated by a clear division of tasks and hierarchical superiority and subordination. As a hunter and fighter, the man was the protector of the family clan who had to keep away external enemies and predators.
Since this often life-threatening task was seen as a priority for maintaining the family clan, males were given a dominant role. The woman was responsible for housework, caring for plant food and looking after the children. In cultures that have not experienced any external threats for several thousand years - e.g. due to an island location - women sometimes took on the dominant role, so that we speak of matriarchal cultures.


For more than 100 years there have been a number of factors (e.g. increasing level of education of women; special professions of women such as nurses, teachers, seamstresses; protracted, pointless wars; the traditional tasks of men as hunters and fighters have disappeared, ...) that lead to the fact that the subordination of women to men is dissolving and that women are demanding more and more equal rights socially and in private relationships and that these are also being realized more and more legally.


Real equality between men and women is something completely new in terms of cultural history and is therefore accompanied by many "labor pains" and conflicts. Living together as equals requires a lot of communication, a fair and constructive culture of dispute, a willingness to compromise, and the ability to endure differences of opinion and tension. Such communication requires that one clearly states one's own needs and recognizes and respects the needs of the other. All of these complex skills must first be slowly recognized and learned as tasks.

New values now enter into focus: trust, appreciation and respect for one another. Conversely, contempt is now becoming visible as a major problem in communication. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that one's own contempt is often unconscious and even the hidden contempt in the communication behavior of the other person is not always recognized immediately. Therefore, it is important to become aware of the causes of contempt in order to then be able to recognize and overcome them more easily.


Possible causes why women disdain men >>>


Possible causes why men disdain women >>>


To overcome contempt, see the Healing Rites for Emotional Wounds >>>


Manfred Hanglberger

Translation: Ingeborg Schmutte

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