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Possible causes why men disdain women


As a family therapist, one looks for conscious and unconscious causes of men's contempt for women in marital conflicts and tries to resolve them..


Because of the traditional subordination of women in historical development

Because men are used to seeing women as subordinate in a tradition that goes back thousands of years. When women no longer accept this subordination and rebel, some men despise them. This contempt for women is usually developed by "father's sons" who, according to family therapy findings, have felt more connected to their father than to their mother since childhood and usually adopt their father's value system and unconscious repressions.


Because of social and religious devaluation of the emotional world

When the man with his rational nature has to calm down the emotional woman.

Because men, in the social and ecclesiastical tradition of contempt for feelings, despise women with their emotionality. Christianity in particular, by adopting the evaluation of emotions in Greek philosophy, has placed reason and will above emotions for 2000 years, and by devaluing the emotional world, has also devalued women.

Since the church was the formative force in culture and society for many centuries in the history of Europe, this had corresponding exclusionary effects on women.
More detailed on feelings devaluation:


Contempt for women by mothers' sons

When as a son you were in a helping role for the mother and because the mother seemed needy, you subconsciously looked down on the mother and then look down on all women.

Perhaps the mother was in need of help because

-          she was hurt by her father in childhood,

-          her father died at an early age,

-          the dominant father oppressed the mother and the son showed solidarity with her,

       -           as a mother's support, one is loyal to the mother and in solidarity with the mother,
                   one despises the wife.


When the mother's longing becomes a mother's projection, which is then disappointed

Because as a son you were possessed by your mother and now you spend your whole life in search of a real mother - and you keep getting disappointed and then you go in search of a new mother in the form of another woman.

The same problematic behavior may arise if the mother was lost at an early age or was unavailable to the child for other reasons.


When the early loss of the mother triggers distrust and contempt for women

Because as a son you lost your mother in infancy and therefore develop a distrust of the woman who might leave you again.


Because as a boy in childhood you were the victim of a negative projection of the mother

Because one had grown up in the shadow of one's mother's favorite child and because of this disadvantage one first despised the mother and later all women.


Because as a boy you were the favorite child of your grandmother, who competed with her daughter-in-law

Because as a favorite child of grandma, one despises her daughter-in-law, that is, one's own mother, and then later projects the longing for grandma onto unattainable women and the contempt for the mother onto one's own wife.


If the relationship of the parents to each other had a strong gradient, and as a son you change from mother solidarity to father solidarity

When, as a son, in a pronounced helper role for the mother, in solidarity with her, one despises the father and therefore unconsciously becomes more and more like the father and then despises the woman in unconscious solidarity with him.
Family therapy has recognized that a son who despises his father unconsciously becomes more and more like him. We always love our parents: if we consciously despise a parent, we will love them through unconscious imitation.


Because the woman physically withdraws from the man

The woman is despised by the man because she withdraws from him physically,

-   because she was hurt by her father in childhood and projects this onto her husband,

-   because she was sexually abused by a man in childhood and therefore despises men,

-   because she was sexually abused by a man in her childhood and therefore cannot allow any

-   because she has inherited similar emotional burdens or emotional blocks from her mother
   or grandmother,

-   because after menopause or due to certain diseases, a woman's hormone levels change and
   thus sexual desire can decrease.


Unless both spouses consciously perceive and work on these problems and their causes, there is usually no way to change the existing contempt into respect.


Possible causes why women disdain men >>>

Man-Woman Relationship >>>

To overcome contempt, see the Healing Rites for Emotional Wounds >>>

This compilation does not claim to be complete!


Manfred Hanglberger (

Translation: Ingeborg Schmutte

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Important Therapeutic Exercises, Analyses and Healing Rites >>>


Partner problems: Understand the background and find solutions >>>

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