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Possible causes why men disdain women >>>

Lake of tears >>>

The inner child and the newborn child >>>

Prayer of children whose parents have separated >>>

A contemporary understanding of faith >>>

The shift of emotional hunger >>>

Causes of the war in the Middle East >>>

Human Rights Day (10. Dez) >>>

Sexual abuse >>>

Offer of salvation in a secularized world (Slides): >>>

Trump's victory as President of the USA >>>

What adult children owe their parents >>>

World Childrens Day (20. November) >>>

Final Document: For a Synodal Church >>>

Obedience in the church >>>

Church preaching in a secularized world >>>

Prayer for Peace >>>

Protect yourself from hurtful projections >>>

Farewell-letter for parents >>>

The splitting of projections of parents onto two children >>>

International Day of Families of the UN >>>

“Follow me!” (Mt 9,9) >>>

Chastisement of children? >>>

Critical interpretation of Gen 22 (Testing of Abraham) >>>

In the Bible there is a development of faith (Sacrifice of children?)  >>>

Cain and Abel: How the narrativ might have come about (A story) >>>

Cain and Abel (Gen 4,1-15) >>>

Favorite Child (What is to do?) >>>

The Tower of Babel – A narrative of the Old Testament (Genesis 11,1-9) >>>

Noah's Ark: A Critical Interpretation >>>

Fiducia Supplicans - On the Pastoral Meaning of Blessings >>>

Necessary steps for church reform >>>

Compensation of Feelings of Inferiority >>>

Non-Christian Terms in Church Teaching Documents: "Selfishness” and "selfish" >>>

“Devil” does not exist? >>>

Genesis 3: A Bad Impact Story >>>

The message of Jesus and what the church made of it >>>

Abortion: Basic considerations >>>

“Church Day of Mourning” >>>

Is the "Salve Regina" an unchristian prayer? >>>

Sexuality in Catholic Church >>>

Lex-Ecclesiae-Fundamentalis: A Proposed Constitution for the Catholic Church >>>

Suicide Problems from a Perspective of the Family Therapy >>>

To know and to believe >>>

The Mysterious World: The modern View of the World >>>

Origin and Expansion of the Universe >>>

Cultural Epochs of Human History and their Basic Religious Patterns >>>

Texts about der Space and the modern view of the World >>>

Where are the origins of mankind? >>>

Meditation on one's Existence >>>

Possible causes why men disdain women >>>

Possible causes why women disdain men >>>

Problem “Jealousy” >>>

Marriage - a sacrament? >>>

Partner problems: Understand the background and find solutions >>>

The Breakup of long-term Marriages >>>

Marriage morality by "chopping off hands"? (Mt 5:29-30) >>>

Therapeutic Personal Responsibility >>>
("Work on Genealogical Tree")

Debate about abortion >>>

Problematic reading in the Easter Vigil: Genesis 22 >>>

Russia's war against Ukraine: Open letter of “Psychologists for peace” >>>

Principles of Non-Violence regarding Russia's war against Ukraine >>>

Carnival sermon of the "devil" >>>

The belief in the "Triune God” >>>

60 years ago, the Second Vatican Council began: Important quotations >>>

The Mercy and Justice of God >>>

Is man more merciful than God? >>>

The “Transformation” of bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus? >>>

“Unholy Prayers” in Holy Mass? - The “prayer crisis” in the Church >>>

God and Nature in our Prayers >>>

The destruction of Jerusalem changed Christian worship >>>

Spirituality – what is that? >>>

Spirituality and the Dimensions of Love >>>

What is the role and the task of a priest? >>>

Do Christians all believe in the same God? >>>


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