Manfred |
诚心欢迎您光临我的网页! |
我想用我的网页做点什么呢?>>> 联合国世界儿童日 (11月20日) >>> 为什么耶稣受审判并被钉死? >>> 灵修是什么?>>> |
Synodality in the Church >>> |
宇宙里还有适宜居住的行星吗?自然科学与神学推论 >>>
宇宙究竟有多大 >>>
big is the universe? The attempt to find an answer in nine steps >>>
Value experiences of astronauts: >>>
Where does the earth come from? >>>
治愈仪式: “接受源自父母的生命,舍弃念想。”>>>
治愈仪式:”从父母那里接受生命并保护自己“ >>>
治愈仪式: 系统性减压 >>>
治愈仪式: 与“内在孩子”的对话 >>>
孩子的灵魂 — 源自家庭治疗视角的论述 >>>
夫妻关系内映射的时间性瓦解 >>>
公正批评的准则 >>> 争论—但要建设性!>>> Psychological analysis and help · Dialogue with the “Inner Child” · Renunciation towards
the parents · Building protection if you've been
injured in childhood · Withdraw the hands of desire · Say goodbye to
the role of helper · Projections in a partnership (Temporal splitting of projections) |
教宗方济各 环境圣谕“主受赞颂”中 神学与灵修祈祷词 >>> 十字架下的祈祷 >>> 手机屏幕的祷告:
AAA BBB CCC 耶稣受难日祈祷 (Prayers on Good
Friday) >>> Prayers for the wedding ceremony >>> Prayers for a pet burial >>> Why a religious ritual for a pet burial? >>> |
为什么耶稣受审判并被钉死? >>>
Text of faith Eucharist: "Celebration of the New
Covenant" >>> Why I believe in the resurrection of
Jesus? >>> Love
of enemies - What is that? >>> Signposts for an "updated doctrinal
`corpus´" >>> About "human" and "divine" love >>> No one had to die for our sins >>> Islam and Christianity: human fraternity >>> Text sections of “human fraternity” >>> What Pope Francis expects from the pastors “Incarnation”: |
TUTTI >>> Prayers
at the end of Fratelli tutti >>> LAUDATO SI: >>> - A prayer for
our earth (Pope Francis) >>> - A Christian
prayer in union with creation >>> - Eternal Life
for the animals? (Laudato si)>>> - The meaning of
Sacraments >>> - Orations from
theology and spirituality of the Statement on the letter of the four
Cardinals AMORIS LAETITIA - The dignity and the rights of women" >>> - Psychological causes of partnership crises >>> - Self-criticism of the church leadership >>> - If parents expect the birth of a child >>> - “A society
without fathers”? >>> - Sexuality – Erotic – Lust – Pleasure >>> - Violence and oppression within marriage >>> - Worthy and unworthy reception - Pastoral Mercy >>>
Laudato si
论爱惜我们共同的家园 为我们大地祈祷的经文 (教宗 方济各) >>> 基督徒偕同受造界作的祈祷经文 (教宗 方济各) >>> |
Amoris Laetitia 论家庭之爱《爱的喜乐》>>> 尊严和妇女的权利 >>> 在怀孕期中的爱 >>> 性感 - 的艳欲主义 - 欲望 >>> 暴力和操纵而缺乏在婚姻中的自由 >>> 值得和不值得的圣餐接待 >>> 牧灵上的慈悲 >>> |
论在今日世界宣讲福音, 福音的喜乐 (2013) >>>
梵蒂岡第二屆大公會議文獻 (繁體中文) >>>
Populorum Progressio (1967) >>> Redemptor hominis (The Redeemer of Man) 1979 >>> Laborem Exercens (On Human Work) 1981 >>> Sollicitudo rei socialis
(The social concern of the church) 1987 >>> |